
What Should I Do After 12th

“What Should I Do After 12th?” - a big question after 12th It is good that you have already thought about your future. Usually, a lot of stress is given to the students for doing Engineering, Medical, Management studies, whether he/she has the interest or has the aptitude for it, The results are most of the student drop out in midway or undergo depression. There are many streams and professional courses available alongside the technical and medical fields. The only problem is that we do not know anything about them because these fields and courses are not very common. As you start to explore different courses and colleges, you will get many options. Before suggesting any course or college, I would suggest you think twice about your career goals and your interest. Your success and failure in any field will depend on how well you perform and your ability to grab opportunities. There is no use in doing the job in a field which doesn't interest you as it becomes a burden than enj

Development of roads - METCALF CONSTRUCTIONS

METCALF CONSTRUCTION           John Metcalf (1717-1810) was the first of the great road builders during the transport Revolution. He was a remarkable man, who had been blind since the age of six, but went on to build about 300 km of turnpike road mainly in Lancashire, Derbyshire, Cheshire and Yorkshire, in the period of 1765-1792.           Metcalf believed that a good road should have good Foundation, be well drained and have a smooth convex (rounded) surface to allow rainwater to drain quickly into ditches at the side of the road. Metcalf established his reputation as a road builder, particularly, by building a good dry Road across Marshland. Other engineers through it could not be done but Metcalf accomplished the task by first making a foundation of Brushwood and heather. He showed the importance of good drainage, since it was rain which caused most of the problem on the roads. During the time that Metcalf was working his road needed to repair and could be used for several ye

Development of roads - TELFORD CONSTRUCTION

TELFORD CONSTRUCTION His work started in early 19th century in England. Main features of Telford construction are: * He proposed a level sub-grade of width 9 m. * Thickness of foundation stone varied from 17 cm to edges to 22 cm at the centre. * A binding layer of wearing course 4 cm thick was provided with cross slope of 1 in 45. * The central of 5.5 m width was covered with two layers of angular broken stones to compacted thickness of 10 cm and 5 cm.

Development of roads - TRESAGUET CONSTRUCTION

TRESAGUET CONSTRUCTION Pierre tresaguet developed an improved method of construction in France during 1764 A.D. Main features of Tresaguet construction are: * Thickness of the road was order of 30 cm. * Consideration was given to sub-grade moisture condition and drainage of surface water. * The top wearing course was made up of smaller slope having a cross slope of 1 in 45 to the surface to provide surface drainage. * Shoulder sloping was also provided of the order of 1 in 20 to drain the surface water to the side drain.

Scope of Highway Engineering

SCOPE OF HIGHWAY ENGINEERING PHASES DETAILS Development planning and location Highway design, geometrics and structures Traffic performance and its control Materials, constructions and maintenance Economics, finance and administrations Historical backgrounds; Basis for planning; Master plan; Engineering survey and highway alignment. Road geometrics and their design; Rigid and flexible pavements; Design factors and thickness design; Overlay design; Design of drainage system. Traffic studies analysis; Need for new road links; Traffic regulation and control; Intersection design and their control with sign, signals, islands and markings. Highway materials and mix design; Highway constructions; Earth work, different types of pavements; Earthen, soil stabilized, water bound macadam, bituminous surface and cement concrete road; Pavement failure; Pavement evaluation, maintenance o

Development of roads- ROMAN ROAD

ROMAN ROADS Firstly roman started constructions of roads in large scale. In 312 BC they constructed way of length over 580 km. Main features of roman road are: * They were build straight regardless of gradients. * Total thickness of the construction was as high as 0.75 m to 1.2 m. * They were build after the soft soil was removed and a hard stratum was reached. * The wearing course consisted of dressed large stone blocks set in lime mortar.

About jayakar committee

After the first world war, motor vehicle using the roads increased and demanded a better road network. So, British government passed a resolution in 1927, in response to which jayakar committee was consulted in 1927. #_ RECOMMENDATION MADE BY JAYAKAR COMMITTEE * The road development in the country should be considered as a national interest because it has become beyond the capacity of provincial Government and local bodies. * An extra text should be levied on petrol from the road users to develop a road development fund called central Road fund(CRF). * A semiofficial technical body should be formed to pool technical, know how from various parts of the country and to act as an advisory body. * Research Organisation should be started to carry out research and development work and to be available for consultation called Central Road Research Institute(CRRI). * They give more preference to the long term planning programme, for a period of 20 years. #_ ACCEPTED RECOMMENDATIONS OF